Like most school districts, San Leandro Unified is facing the challenge of closing the “achievement gap” and helping students be successful regardless of race or gender.
San Leandro's administration would like you to believe they have taken an aggressive approach, hiring consultants who have focused their work in two directions -- having "courageous conversations" among staff about perceptions about race and student achievement, and developing "culturally relevant" teaching strategies. The focus of the work has mostly been on what happens at staff development meetings and what teaching strategies teachers use in the classroom.
Most of the teachers that I know have chosen to teach in San Leandro because of the community's diversity, even after considering the unfortunate promise of lower pay. They enter San Leandro's classrooms deeply committed to guiding all of their students to success, and reversing the trends of hundreds of years of racism. Despite this commitment, there has been a great deal of grumbling lately about the district's approach to equity. Teachers complain about too many meetings at which we talk about the same things over and over again and reconsider a handful of already-presented teaching strategies. It's time to have real courageous conversations in our district about the limitations of their approach.
The district's approach is not misguided, it's just not enough. While focusing on miracles that sometimes happen in the classroom, it doesn't consider or address many of the real causes of inequitable achievement. I agree with the district’s approach as a part of the solution. Teacher perception of student ability is important. Race absolutely matters. There's too much evidence to conclude otherwise. If a student is attending a classroom where she doesn't feel valued, encouraged, or a sense of belonging, she will likely not do her best work. So the work on culturally relevant teaching strategies is important.
However, we will fail our students unless we examine the other, more significant roadblocks to student success for our kids of color.
Most of the racism that keeps kids of color from achieving is not the racism of perception, stereotype and cognitive filters. Most of the racism that inhibits achievement is the racism of resource allocation, family support, and community support for student success. The only way to confront those challenges is by making changes to the educational program. We have to meet our kids where they are, and put more of our resources in the direction of the kids with the most need.
Issues of race, class and opportunity intersect on so many levels that it is foolish for school districts to take one-dimensional, consultant-driven approaches to closing the “achievement gap.” If a kid doesn’t go home to a place where there is parent or guardian who can sit and monitor homework, that kid is at a disadvantage. When English isn’t the first language, and the kid is pushed out of an ELL program too quickly, the kid’s at a disadvantage. Students with parents who didn’t complete college or high school are at a disadvantage. Kids in families that can’t afford college don’t as easily envision their own future as a college student. Unfortunately, these characteristics tend to be more often true for our kids of color.
To meet students where they are, we need to invest our resources in a way that gives teachers opportunities to work more directly with their students and families:
• More opportunities for after-school mentoring by teachers. The one-meeting-after-another approach to staff development is actually getting in the way of teachers meeting with students. Imagine if instead of attending all of those meetings, teachers could actually spend their after-school time working with students. Add a mechanism that encourages students who are struggling to take advantage of teachers who can stay after school to work with them, and you can finally reach students who don’t have sufficient academic support at home.
• Revitalize the ELD Program. ELL students need smaller class sizes with more individualized vocabulary work and more opportunities to communicate, much more support in their primary language, strengthened bilingual education program, and significantly more parent outreach. Since Superintendent Lim has been at the helm in San Leandro, the cuts to ELD (English Language Development) Programs have been dramatic, despite the fact that the population which requires the program keeps increasing in size. This year, the program was practically gutted, though a few ELD coaches still exist when budgeted for by school site funds. What used to be a team of eight great teachers is now a team of four, serving an increasing number of students.
• Better investment in real college-bound mentoring programs, like AVID. Give the program coordinators the necessary resources to expand the program, which focuses on kids who might often become the first generation from their family to attend college.
• More aggressive community and parent outreach efforts, directly connecting parents to the classroom, and expanding the school’s role in the betterment of the community.
Each of these strategies comes with a price tag. We’ll never have real success unless we’re willing to invest. But the potential future cost in lost opportunities for our students and our community is far greater than the real expense of any of these strategies. And sharing a vision is the first step towards realizing it.
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1 day ago
I agree with each of the policy suggestions made in Mr. Morse's letter:
-More opportunities for after-school mentoring by teachers
-A revitalized ELL program with smaller class sizes
-Better college bound mentoring programs
-More aggressive community and parent outreach efforts
In the few years that I have been at Bancroft I have not witnessed an absence of opportunities take part in most of those things within contractual parameters. I have participated in after school tutoring, parent outreach in the form of open houses specialized for a certain group of students, and I have collaborated with the ELL specialist. We
have all done things like this, and more time to do so would be great.
At the same time, what is important about the district's approach is that it asks us to consider factors regarding the racial predictability of the achievement gap that are within our immediate
control- namely what takes place in our classrooms. As Mr. Morse noted: "Race absolutely matters. There's too much evidence to conclude otherwise. If a student is attending a classroom where she doesn't feel valued, encouraged, or a sense of belonging she will likely not do her best work."
Racism works on an institutional level and it is about resources. It is also about lowered expectations and dismissive attitudes based on
privilege. "Courageous conversations" ask us to reflect on how we unknowingly perpetuate racism in academia and in our relationships with students. "Culturally relevant teaching" asks us to invert the traditional role of school as a mechanism of assimilating students to
white middle class culture and instead assimilate ourselves to the culture of our students, thus creating a transformative experience for
both parties.
You mention that race, class and opportunity intersect on so many levels it would be foolish to approach achievement in a one-dimensional way and yet you finish that same paragraph affirming
that communities of color are most affected by inequality in these areas. We cannot cut an analysis of race or white privilege out of the picture as we strive to close the achievement gap. That is what “courageous conversations” really means.
-Rebecca Padilla
I agree with each of the policy suggestions made in Mr. Morse's letter:
-More opportunities for after-school mentoring by teachers
-A revitalized ELL program with smaller class sizes
-Better college bound mentoring programs
-More aggressive community and parent outreach efforts
In the few years that I have been at Bancroft I have not witnessed an absence of opportunities take part in most of those things within contractual parameters. I have participated in after school tutoring, parent outreach in the form of open houses specialized for a certain group of students, and I have collaborated with the ELL specialist. We
have all done things like this, and more time to do so would be great.
At the same time, what is important about the district's approach is that it asks us to consider factors regarding the racial predictability of the achievement gap that are within our immediate
control- namely what takes place in our classrooms. As Mr. Morse noted: "Race absolutely matters. There's too much evidence to conclude otherwise. If a student is attending a classroom where she doesn't feel valued, encouraged, or a sense of belonging she will likely not do her best work."
Racism works on an institutional level and it is about resources. It is also about lowered expectations and dismissive attitudes based on
privilege. "Courageous conversations" ask us to reflect on how we unknowingly perpetuate racism in academia and in our relationships with students. "Culturally relevant teaching" asks us to invert the traditional role of school as a mechanism of assimilating students to
white middle class culture and instead assimilate ourselves to the culture of our students, thus creating a transformative experience for
both parties.
You mention that race, class and opportunity intersect on so many levels it would be foolish to approach achievement in a one-dimensional way and yet you finish that same paragraph affirming
that communities of color are most affected by inequality in these areas. We cannot cut an analysis of race or white privilege out of the picture as we strive to close the achievement gap. That is what “courageous conversations” really means.
-Rebecca Padilla
White middle class culture is now melting pot middle class culture in our area, there is no predominant white culture here - it's "middle class Asian and Hispanic and Other with a little White" tossed in culture. How about expecting more from students and parents and teachers? How about holding strict standards for behavior and dress and expectations? There is nothing wrong with teaching middle class values and honestly they are required for success in our job world. As long as we are fair and come from a place of understanding and hearfelt respect for the individuals in each of the different cultures and races. We also need to acknowledge that children (and parents)from lower socio-economic backgrounds may need more help, tutoring and counseling to succeed, then you can instill successful cultual values that will allow all children to succeed in our world. The racism, as you describe it, towards the poor in our communities is now instituionalized within those very same communities and is due to repetition of the negative cycles over decades, a lack of education and parental training and in many cases a broken family structure. Success in any school depends on passion, rules, dedication, tough love and strong, consistent parental involvement. Its really simple. Bottom line...our schools in San Leandro should and could do better, no more excuses, too many children and families are being hurt. "A concerned non-white, barely middle class parent"
unfortunately, the children who are getting hurt the most are students of color. Culturally relevant teaching means building on student strengths with high expectations rather than focusing on deficiencies and assimilation. This way students of color can bring a strong sense of identity with them as they confront the demands of the working world where again they will face the challenges of racism and discrimination.
Furthermore, White middle class culture in San Leandro is not, and should not be deemed a melting pot. While some white people may try to appropriate the style, dress and language of people of color in their spare time, people of color are forced to adopt the dress and language of white people in order to survive.
The melting pot really only asks people of color to melt, change and shift. That is still an assimilationist approach. Why not hold on to the virtues of our cultures and succeed academically?
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